Sharing knowledge of data science and programming.
I’ve recently come across an interesting algorithmic problem in work, that is: given a sequence of integers, find the longest continuous subsequence. Here is a concrete example of this problem:
Assume we have a series of years in the numeric form. To be more specific:
1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019
The longest continuous subsequence is 2010 - 2017, which is 8 years.
This is a fairly simple problem to solve in any real programming languages with a for loop. For example, in python:
from typing import List
def find_subseq(seq:List[int]) -> int:
# set a counter for continuous sub seq, starts as 1.
counter = 1
continuous_seq_lengths = []
for i in range(len(seq)):
if i == 0:
# add to counter if the increment is exactly 1
# otherwise, archive the current length and reset the counter
if seq[i] - seq[i-1] == 1:
counter += 1
counter = 1
# append the final count
return max(continuous_seq_lengths)
You can also get all sub sequences by telling the function to return continuous_seq_lengths
However, it’s much less intuitive to solve in SQL without the ability to iterate. Suppose the data is given in a tabular format as follows:
create table years (
"year" integer
insert into years
The trick here is to use the exact 1-year lag that we are trying to identify. The solution can be outlined in the following steps:
function twice, one count straight down over the years, the other partitioned by the flag column in 4.Here is the code:
-- A CTE for 1 & 2
with year_flags as (
coalesce(t1.year, t2.year) as year,
t1.year as year1,
t2.year as year2,
case when t1.year notnull and t2.year notnull then 'continue'
when t1.year notnull and t2.year is null then 'new seq'
when t1.year is null and t2.year notnull then 'break' end as "flag"
from years t1
full join (
select year+1 as year
from years
) t2
on t1.year = t2.year
flag, count(1) + 1 as seq_len
from (
select *,
row_number() over(order by year) as row1,
row_number() over(partition by flag order by year) as row2,
row_number() over(order by year) - row_number() over(partition by flag order by year) as diff
from year_flags
order by year
) x
where flag = 'continue'
-- records with same flag + diff combo would be a continuous subsequence
group by flag, diff
The output of this query per the given data would be as follows, and the start year and break year can also be selected with ease if needed:
flag seq_len
continue 3
continue 2
continue 8
This algorithm can be easily generalized in situations which involve group aggregations too. One can simply add additional fields in the partition by
and group by
However, this is totally not recommended to be done in pure SQL as it can be solved within minutes with any formal programming languages. This write-up is more of a demonstration piece that SQL can be used to solve a problem that’s seemingly iterative in nature.