Sharing knowledge of data science and programming.
I’ve recently come across an interesting algorithmic problem in work, that is: given a sequence of integers, find the longest continuous subsequence. Here is a concrete example of this problem: …more
Unless you are developing your own R packages with complicated structure, object oriented coding in R is often overlooked. Not until very recently, I found that there are actually situations other than in package development where you want use OO programming in R, or more specifically speaking using S3 methods. …more
Something interesting I found out about NA
values in R. Typically, this won’t cause any bug or undesired results in data analysis, but there are certain cases that this should be aware of, especially when using rpy2
python package to call R code from a python script. …more
If you are like me, a heavy R user who also programs in Python, might find it’s a bit overwhelming to use one of the most popular python IDEs - PyCharm. Here I share some of my personal configurations and keyboard shortcuts to make the IDE more lightweight, manageable, and efficient for data science related tasks. …more